
at a time when I thought I could weather any storm, my heart broke into pieces when I lost my friend Kush. I believe time and experience cannot harden your heart when your love is sincere. No matter how many times your heart breaks, never let it keep you from loving when you can…embrace it, cherish it, remember it …always.

Executive Orders: A Necessary Tool in these Precarious Times

An administration is elected in November and sworn in, in January because time is required to facilitate a thorough transition of information between the incoming and outgoing teams. The current administration, and this country is 90 days behind where they should be.

Rise from the Fire

If we truly wrest from our experiences the knowledge and wisdom to move forward, only looking back to ensure we have captured all that is necessary to keep from repeating past errors, then we owe it to each other, all of us brothers and sisters in humanity, to do the work we can, to hold out our hands and lift those that have fallen, protect the earth on which we live…

My Chemo Reading List

“You think your pain and your heartbreak are unprecedented in the history of the world, but then you read. It…